‘Hindsight is a wonderful thing’
MAYA surveyed hundreds of mums. One question with an interesting set of responses was: would these mums have signed up to MAYA when they were pregnant?
‘Honestly…no!’ many said
‘...Because I wasn’t thinking or asked to think about postnatal support’ ⁉️
‘I then found it tough when my baby was here and didn’t know how to talk about it’
‘Knowing what I know now, I would definitely seek peer support with baby no.2’
At MAYA, we seek to harness the wisdom of existing mums. We don’t want anyone to have to say – with hindsight – “I wish I’d had more support.” So, we connect mums-to-be, today, to the wisdom of their peers.
Plus, this isn’t a one-time offer. A mum’s need for postnatal emotional, social and wellbeing support is just as important with EVERY new baby. Many second time mums have signed up with the lived-experience of knowing how valuable this sort of support is.
Say hello to us today and let's take the conversation from there.