‘So, ask me how I am and stay for the long answer’
These beautiful, wise words, extracted from the Newborn Mother collection by Oxford-based poet @katethirlwall capture the essence of MAYA’s one to one peer support
As a mum when you ask for support from MAYA: we’re there -> we ask -> we listen -> we stick around
We’ll ask ‘’how are you’’ and we don’t expect a fully formed answer or even an answer at times
We’re there for the harder to say answers or the answers that don’t match up with your expression or demeanor
We’re there for the long, slow pauses or the overtired rambling response which sounded better in your head
We’re there to ask again in a different way or to pick up where we left off when we next speak
We ask because we get it. We’ve been there. At our own new beginnings with new babies in tow, when there is so much yet so little at times to say.
We care that you have – much like we had or would have wanted – a regular space, with a trusted peer, to work out where you’re at and what you need that day.
It can be helpful too, to hear your words aloud, perhaps said back to you
Reflected back much like a mirror.
You might hear yourself say that today you’re good / you’re fine / you’re great
Perhaps things feel better on the whole than they did last week, and you’ll take that
Or perhaps today, like last week and maybe the week before, you’re actually not okay, you’re really not that fine and that feeling is lurking around
We can help you work out what you need: from yourself, from your loved ones, perhaps that gentle nudge to talk to the health visitor or GP. Perhaps you just need a follow up message from us the next day.