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Baby's Grasp

Mum as You Are

Peer to Peer Support for Mums of New Babies

Support from your doorstep 

Peer to peer support

MAYA is a peer-to-peer in-person support network for all mums of new babies. It is not aiming to reinvent the wheel but aims to fills a gap in postnatal support by harnessing the experiences from everyday mums out there for everyday mums-to-be.


Research shows the many benefits of peer support which include: enhanced maternal mental health, greater confidence in parenting ability, increased self-esteem, and reduced feelings of social isolation. Each of these areas can feel knocked during the weeks or months after having a baby. This is all the more reason to have your MAYA community to call upon.

MAYA's Approach - 

At the heart of MAYA’s support is the creation of a nurturing community for all mothers. This 3-step journey begins by connecting you with a fellow mum peer who has walked the path you're now on. 

1. You reach out - via email or our website - as soon as you like in your pregnancy (or up to 28 days after your baby has arrived) and we can chat through how you are doing and what you want your postnatal support to look like. If it's possible we'll have an in-person meet up before your baby arrives too so you can get a feel of what meet-ups will be like.

2. We'll check-in each week and once your baby arrives - and whenever you're ready - regular meet-ups are on offer either as walks from your doorstep or coffee in your local cafe with your new babe in tow. We'll come bearing gifts on the first meet-up with a curated goody bag filled with nourishing treats.

3. We'll meet up as often as you like - most people find once every 2/3 weeks ideal - and we can message in between times. There's a judgement free, compassionate ear there during a time when your head might be busy with equal excitement, bewilderment and exhaustion. You'll have access to a directory of valuable support resources, ensuring you're well-equipped to navigate this new chapter. 

MAYA's Approach -

It's important to have support that endures beyond the early days. As part of the community-building process, you'll also become a member of a close-knit group of mums, all having welcomed new babies around the same time.


This circle of companionship becomes an invaluable asset as you adjust to the demands of parenthood, knowing that you're never alone, even at 3am. And when you're ready, this support can evolve into real-life meetups: group walks and cafe meet-ups.


There will also be optional social get-togethers and guest speaker events across the year too.


Your community grows just as you do in your parenting journey.

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