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Ready to meet you (where you’re at)

Jess S

Dear Mum-to-be, I was in your shoes not long ago, in that magical realm of the final weeks of pregnancy. In a limbo world of disbelief; one foot in my old word and a foot hovering into a new world. It felt like a delusion that I was to emerge from this time with my actual baby in my arms. That moment was fast approaching regardless of my preparation.

Trying to immerse myself in positive words and people, trying to surrender and give in to letting things just be, while remembering all the final jobs that I wanted to do or rest that I desperately craved. Unsure of how to describe how I felt anymore to everyone who asked. Fit to burst physically and emotionally; ecstatic, nervous, bored all at once. Wondering what life will feel like, what will my home look like, who would I/ we be after the birth that was coming and as we resurfaced into parenthood.

MAYA offers regular peer-to-peer support from mums who have been in your shoes.

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