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Made with mums

Jess S

Research is important at MAYA. Earlier this year, hundreds of mums gave MAYA their detailed feedback about what was most important to them in terms of postnatal support. The most common themes were support that was:

🔆 Accessible, affordable, in-person

🔆 Informal, empathic and free from judgement

🔆 A regular space to offload, not be given solutions, feeling listened to and understood

🔆 Talking with someone who was a bit further along in their parenting journey

MAYA was then built with this at its core.

☀️ Designed and delivered by people with lived experience

☀️ Providing a wraparound community for mums-to-be and new mums

☀️ Offered from the new mum’s doorstep and in their very local area

☀️ Promoting and harnessing the skills and experiences of more established mums

☀️ Complimenting and collaborating with existing local support yet independent of clinical services

MAYA’s free peer support pilot for mums-to-be and new mums is underway in Oxford now.

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Mum as You Are LTD 2024

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