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Let’s talk rainbows and unicorns

Jess S

Joy is often showered down on you when you’re pregnant – from family, friends, complete strangers in the street (!) – an imminent new arrival fires up instant happiness in others. Understandable, as new life IS exciting! You too might feel over-the-moon. But you also might not. You might feel mixed, negative, or neutral. If you share these feelings with others then you might be met with: ‘but once your baby is here…’, ‘so long as…’, ‘at least…’ Sentiments that don’t really make you feel like you’ve been listened to. You crave people to be real with you, you want to feel heard and you don’t want to made to feel weird for feeling anything but elated joy. It’s not all rainbows and unicorns – we can break the code and say this - and this will not be a surprise to you!

Give yourself the gift of having people around you who have recently been in your pregnant shoes and really ‘get it’. Get what it’s like to rest from whichever way you experienced your birth, get what its like to have responsibility for a real life little human thrust upon you and get how beautifully complicated your thoughts and feelings can be during the first weeks and months.

Let MAYA help you prepare for what’s ahead – help you think clearly about what support YOU want and need before you need it.

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