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Drinks on us

Jess S

 It’s been an exciting start to the week for MAYA with the arrival of TWO new babies. Welcome little ones and congratulations all around.

These new parents – and other imminently due mums-to-be – got in touch to hear more about MAYA’s peer support.

  • This starts off with a chat on the phone to Jess from MAYA about the pilot support offer and the glorious benefits of peer-to-peer postnatal support. Importantly, we want to hear how you’re doing and help you give some thought to what support is key and available to you. Not just the support from MAYA but from family, friends and the wider community.

  • When thinking about postnatal support – the topics are endless – it might include how to explain to others that you just want some space for you (/your partner) and your baby initially - or - asking family and friends for practical support with tasks around the home - or- managing existing relationships alongside a new baby… The list is exhaustive and open to whatever comes up for you. Sometimes support doesn’t feel obvious or accessible, so we can chat about how to go about building it, maybe having trickier conversations with others and ways for your wishes to be heard and respected.  

  •  Next, is our in-person introduction – this month fueled by hot chocolates in cosy cafés - squeezed in before the new baby arrives. These meet ups help build connection, familiarity and trust with another local mum – as your peer support - and offer a sense of what future regular meet ups might feel like.

  • After that, as you near your baby’s arrival, you can choose to have gentle phone check-ins or we can wait for our cue to reach out once your baby has arrived.

  • Then, when it feels right, we pick up our chat where we left off minus the bump and with a precious new babe in tow – and more hot chocolates at the ready – to be there for you in your new chapter.

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